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Thursday, May 22th

19:30 Get-together (Scala Restaurant (WWW)- Intershop Tower / Entrance at parking place, Downtown)

Friday, May 23th

09:00 Opening (IPHT at the Campus Beutenberg)

09:00 W. Fritzsche (IPHT) Opening & Introduction
Metal Nanoparticles I: Bioconjugation
09:25 J. Hainfeld (Nanoprobes/BNL) Labeling Biomolecules with Nano Metal Particles abstr.
09:50 A. Taton (Univ. of Minnesota) Improving nanoparticle bioconjugate chemistry with crosslinked nanocoats abstr.
10:15 C. Keating (Penn State Univ.) Biomolecule-nanoparticle conjugates for bioanalysis: Nanospheres and barcoded nanowires abstr.
10:40 A. Kanaras (Univ. Liverpool) Enzymatic manipulation of DNA/Gold Nanostructuresabstr.
---- Break ----
Metal Nanoparticles II: Electrical & Electrochemical Detection
11:30 R. Möller (IPHT) Electrical readout for DNA hybridization assays based on nanoparticle labeling abstr.
11:55 I. Willner (Univ. Jerusalem Nanoparticle - Biomaterial Hybrid Systems for Sensory and Electronic Applications abstr.
12:15 M. Dequaire (Univ. Dijon) Gold nanoparticle labels in electrochemical ligand-binding assays: application to the detection of viral DNA hybridization abstr.
---- Lunch ----
Nanoparticles for Optical Detection
14:00 K. Bohmann (Bayer AG, Leverkusen) Inorganic Nanoparticles in Medical Diagnostics abstr.
14:25 W. Parak (LMU Munich) Biological applications of quantum dots abstr.
15:00 T. Pellegrino (Univ. Bari) A novel 2D invasion assay using quantum dot layers abstr.
15:15 H. Tanke (Univ. Leiden ) Infrared up-converting phosphors for bioassays abstr.
16:00 Poster Session
A. Csaki (IPHT Jena) Optical detection of individual nanoparticle labels after metal enhancement abstr.
G. Festag (IPHT Jena) Substrate modification for gold nanoparticle labeling abstr.
A. Munoz Javier (LMU Munich) Conjugation of Au-nanoparticles with DNA abstr.
S. Kudera (LMU Munich) Spectroscopical measurements with quantum dots abstr.
T. Liedl (LMU Munich) Silanisation of CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals abstr.
R. Müller (IPHT Jena) Magnetic nanoparticles by glass crystallisation abstr.
M. Noyong (RWTH Aachen) Site Selective 1D Arrangement of Gold Nanoparticles on DNA abstr.
E. Puchner (LMU Munich) Synthesis of highly fluorescing CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals abstr.
U. Rehn (MPI Halle) DNA-mediated Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles: Hybridization Step and Optical Properties abstr.
E. Romanus (Univ. Greifswald) Magneto-optical relaxation measurements on bioconjugated nanoparticles for the determination of binding reactions abstr.
E. Romanus (Univ. Greifswald) Magnetic nanoparticle relaxation measurement as a binding specific technique for in vivo diagnostics abstr.
17:00 Excursion
18:30 Dinner

Saturday, May 24

Metal Nanoparticles III: Optical Detection
09:00 P. Bao (Nanosphere Inc.) Oligonucleotide Conjugated Gold Particles for Genomic Analysis abstr.
09:25 T. Schalkhammer (Univ. Delft/ Univ. Vienna) - Resonant nano-cluster technology -From optical coding and high quality security features to biochips abstr.
09:50 J. Remacle (Univ. Louvain) Nano and micro metal particles for molecular detection abstr.
---- Break ----
Magnetic Nanoparticles
10:45 J. Schotter (Univ. Bielefeld) Detection of DNA with functionalized magnetic markers abstr.
11:10 I. Hilger (University Hospital Jena) Magnetic nanoparticles for the treatment of tumours by magnetic heating abstr.
11:35 F. Bier (Fraunhofer Inst. Potsdam) Fluorescent and magnetic nanoparticles for molecular diagnostics of nucleic acids on a single molecule level abstr.
12:00 P. Weber (Univ. Jena) Characterisation of magnetic nanoparticles by temperature dependent measurement of magnetic relaxation abstr.

appr. 12:25 End of the scientific program

12:30 Lunch